Sofia, thank you for your honest writing, there were so many things I wanted to write down and think about after reading your newsletter. When you outlined the why of your writing, " I have the overwhelming urge to tell my stories (for there are many); to meet my younger self, those long dead and those still alive on the page; to work out what we did to ourselves and each other and why; perhaps, to find some resolution." - I've never read a description about writing that so closely and eloquently describes the why of the process, it resonated so much, thank you. I'm really interested in Bethany Websters work and would love to hear more about your experience with that. I also found this exercise, from a short story workshop very freeing - it was to take a known person with a clear personality trait and trace back to the moment this trait began to appear and the why of it. I wrote a scene about my father as a little boy, it was imagined but based on real facts. The compassion I felt for him writing this was so deep, it was a powerful exercise and one I've repeated with other people if I'm ever in difficulty with them.

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Thank you for reading, Carys, and for your kind comments. I am still reading Bethany Webster's book: I am going slowly, making notes and journaling as I read. At times I find it hard going. The exercise you describe sounds like a good idea: I've just made a note of it and will definitely settle down to do it. It reminds me of a Gestalt session I did in a therapy session - it had me in tears of compassion for Mama for the first time. Thank you for engaging!!!

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I agree with Jenny, such brave writing! Just reading this newsletter felt comforting and helpful so I can only imagine how reading your whole book would feel. Maybe have a younger you in mind who might be helped from reading it to keep you moving forward? And you are right, the only way is through (but with lots of support, breaks and treats I think ;). (Also, I love Bethany Webster, her course was quite life changing for me).

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Dear Susannah I am so thankful to you for reading the post and for your helpful advice to visualise a younger self; I will try it. Thank you for your encouraging comments!

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Such brave writing Sofia! ❤️

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Thank you for reading and engaging, Jenny! It means a lot to me.

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Sep 10, 2022Liked by Sofia A Koutlaki

"Over the coming days, I intend to reflect on what difference my life is making, no matter how small."

For one thing, you're committed to spending a full year leading people through exercises to help them become better people. That's no small thing.

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Scott, thank you for your kind words. It has been a beautiful growth journey, and I am so thankful to you personally for everything you share in the community and for everything I've learned from you. Thank you for reading!

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Narcissism makes everything so much more difficult. I’m at the same stage as you; I’ve realised the fault isn’t/wasn’t mine, which is a huge shift in mindset and memory. I guess the solution is just to write without the thought of making it public - for now. The decision to do so can be made down the line. Taking off that pressure and allowing yourself to release it on to the page may be the cathartic action you need right now x

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Thank you for reading and engaging Nat. Yes, it seems the only way is through it, no matter how hard it feels. It helps to hear that others face similar challenges, so thank you for reaching out.

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That’s exactly it - the only way is through 👍🏼

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