Apr 23Liked by Sofia A Koutlaki

What an impressive writing. “Jigarakam” though… <3 Sending much love Xx

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Apr 23Liked by Sofia A Koutlaki

Thank you for sharing this, Sofia. I appreciate your honesty and vulnerability, and the critical lesson about the relationships between our minds, hearts, and bodies.

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Such a moving piece - sending much love and strength xx

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Sofia, This is beautiful. Arresting. Perfectly formed. And so important.

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Apr 20Liked by Sofia A Koutlaki

This is so powerful, Sofia, and so cleverly written. I learned so much about your condition through your conversation with your body! I hope with all my heart that your resolve and your body can work together to beat this thing into submission, and wave farewell to the anger that continues to harm you from the inside, at the same time. All love to you x

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