To me you seem to be a good tailor. A tailor who sews the matter to the meaning. A tailor who

stitches the colorfull scraps together and makes a clothes that feets to every one, the clothes that covers the people`s deficiencies.

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Thank you for your comment: it points towards a paradox of the writing. I wonder whether writing is really meant to uncover rather than cover. Thank you for reading!

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I love the scraps of fabric, they are like the scraps of memory we carry. You have sewn them into a beautiful quilt in your writing.

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Thank you for reading Viktoria!

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Scraps of fabric mothballed inside the day bed: this is a wonderful image of the scraps that make up our memories. Thank you, and I wishing you better health

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I never knew an article on fabric scrap can deeply move me like this. Thank you.

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Beautiful again Sofia. I love the way you write. This has triggered many thought threads for me, maybe those thought threads might weave into the fabric of my own writing. Thank you.

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I love the scraps of fabric, they are like the scraps of memory we carry. You have sewn them into a beautiful quilt in your writing.

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